Monday, March 2, 2009


So I was in Chicago this weekend, as I mentioned before, and couldn't really get much done in regards to cleaning up my stuff, recording or mixing. 

And I also find out, as I was getting ready to leave, that I lost my fucking flash drive that actually DID have anything I recorded on it. 

Gdamnit. Well... let's hope I can find my flashdrive... or that I can work with the random stuff that MIGHT be saved on one of my school computers where I was recording. :(

Nevertheless, I plan on submitting SOMETHING to Dan by Tuesday. I'm going to be kind of pissed if I can't submit everything I have been working on. I was actually pretty excited about it. Oh well. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Well, I'm basically done with my album. Just a few more songs to mix. Even recorded a guitar solo last night (rare for me).

This album...was very...very hard. I had to cut ANOTHER song, and wrote an instrumental track to end the album. I'm down to only about 24 minutes, and there won't be any more. I'm not particularly happy with myself, but the songs I have are good, and I think people will like them.

I also spent the last 2 days doing lyrics and recording vocals. Possibly to the dismay of my friends at the Intercontinental Music Lab, I think this album is space-themed as well. Other than that, I really have no idea what it's about.

I'm a little down about this album...I really wanted to raise the bar set by my last album, but I'm not sure I did. This is my last album in college, too, and I think I'm a little disappointed with it. Still, it sure sounds good.

Either way, I can't wait to hear everyone else's albums...hopefully I should get the majority tonight!